Support Pro Life
Consider Adoption rather than Abortion!
We seek to educate the public about
Scriptural truth, and how it applies to the believers life, and that
every true believer, and follower should follow the Scripture, and
should be Pro
We also provide counseling to those in need.
We want everyone to know, and understand the importance of full
disclosure, which is something most doctors,
and pro choice people leave out.
What they do not tell people is that a person is a person, no matter
how small they are, and no matter if they are in the womb or not.
Our Laws should protect the baby while inside the mother's womb, and
not just outside the mothers belly!

Life Demonstration in front of "JP
Sports" in Ticonderoga, New York on 08/01/08 from
2:00 PM - 3:10 PM This time was a summer Pro Life

Ticonderoga Summer Pro Life Demonstration 08/01/08

Ticonderoga Summer Pro Life Demonstration 08/01/08

Ticonderoga Summer Pro Life Demonstration 08/01/08
Jordon's Custom Banners

Ticonderoga Summer Pro Life Demonstration 08/01/08

Ticonderoga Summer Pro Life Demonstration 08/01/08
Roxann Jordon's Custom Banners

Ticonderoga Summer Pro Life Demonstration 08/01/08
Yellow Banner, and bottle about adoption at top made by Roxann Jordon

Made by Roxann Jordon
New York 1/10/2008 Winter Pro Life Demonstration.

Here is the same picture from above that was in our local Newspaper on 1/10/08
This picture was taken by the Times of Ti Newspaper

Port Henry, New York 2005
"You shall not murder"
Exodus 20:13 “You shall not murder.
Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the
blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls:
it is the blood that
maketh an atonement for the soul.
the Blood, rather it be people, animals, insects or oceanic,
and Lake creatures.
All the life of anything that is living is in the Blood!
This is the shortest, and simplest
way I can break this down.
Is both the sperm, and the egg are living cells, and DNA, and when they
join together it becomes a person.
Here is a site that has great brochures.
It also proves that when the moment of conception they are a living
Here is a site that sells pro Life stuff, and their stuff also helps

Produced and Published by:
Consider These Things Ministries